Tuesday, July 9, 2013

BEASTIN' & FEASTIN' Days 7-8: Find success in every "failure"!

Are you ready to learn the key to everlasting success and happiness? Alright, here it is: stop FAILING!

I don't believe in failure. The word itself bears such a negative burden that I never use it to describe myself in any way. Mistakes? Sure, I make those all the time. But, there's a big difference. When you say you have "failed" it means you were unsuccessful or lacking in some way. You fell to the bottom and have to start over. No way. When you've made a mistake, you analyze it, learn from it, and pick up just where you left off. No starting over, none of that "back to square one" bullshit. I don't fail, I move forward. Always.

If you worry about failing, you will fail. Repeatedly. That's the name of the game. Put that negative energy towards building yourself up and reminding yourself:

  1. where you've come from
  2. where you're going
  3. who you were
  4. who you are
  5. who you want to be
Always end on that last one. Let it marinate and stew for awhile. Imagine yourself there already. You have achieved your career goal, your personal goal, your relationship goal, your ultimate life goal. Imagine it. Close your eyes and see it. Now ask yourself why that can't be your reality? Go ahead, ask!

Is it because you're afraid? You don't feel like you deserve it? You're not good enough? You're not ready? You don't have enough support? You're uninspired? Or, did you not come up with a reason? BINGO! Because there isn't one. Not a single one.

Ok, back to the food and such. This blog is turning into Self Love 101! 

Partnered "Angie" on Sunday. I like working in groups and pairs but only when the person I'm working with can turn it up like me...otherwise, I find it a little frustrating! 

Smashed carrots with lamb leg steaks and cauliflower rice with kale. Easily the most amazing meal I've had in awhile. I love lamb! 

Steamed broccolini, pan seared pork chops with caramelized onions and mushroom, and a side of cauliflower rice with shredded carrots. 

I started the week with a HUGE bowl of this in my fridge. My post-workout go to. Tuna and egg salad with arugula, carrots, and avocado. Homemade mayo makes it SO GOOD! 

In terms of the feastin' I've got my calorie intake up and steady. It only took about 2 weeks and my appetite is now so monstrous I swear it sometimes interferes with my day! Haha. In fact, I'm hungry right now. As for the beastin'...so what I'm noticing is that my body is so used to working out a certain way that I'm having trouble with some of the technicalities in CrossFit. My cardio game is on point. I can double under all day if I needed to. And run for hours. Bodyweight exercises are cake for me too. Give me a rope, I'll climb it. Put a box in front of me, I'll jump it. BUT...put a barbell in my hands and all of a sudden my body becomes confused and starts fighting with my head. Cleans are challenging for me. It's like my arms want to do all the work even though my mind knows what the correct form looks and feels like. I get tight all over and it seems like certain muscle groups just want to shut off completely. I'm hesitating and I don't know why. What I do know is that I have to be more patient with myself. It's going to take practice and I understand that. It's just that this is all so new and exciting that sometimes this feels like a setback even though I know it's not. I can't be great at EVERYTHING, nor do I strive for that. I set goals based on what's important to me and I work towards them. So look out CLEANS...I'm coming for you! 

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