Friday, July 5, 2013

BEASTIN' & FEASTIN' Days 3-4: My breasts don't make me a woman...

It's quite amazing to see your own body transform before your very eyes. I've seen my body grow, shrink, loosen, tighten, stretch, compress, hang, lift, and shift. And while I used to wear a size 40DD, I'm now at a point where I can walk around in a tank top with no bra and be completely comfortable. Ask me if I'm mad about's SUCH a freeing feeling. I love it. My breasts used to cause me so much discomfort and be the focal point of too many instances of sexual harassment. I still embraced them though, because they were mine and part of me. And in fact, I LOVED being large-chested. It was fun! ;)

The results of beastin' and feastin' have literally been immediate. My pants all fit differently; they are loose in the waist and tight on the thighs and hips...a problem I have never had before. My t-shirts are tighter at the sleeves. Hell, even my underwear are feeling too small. This ain't no joke. My partner says she can see I am definitely slimmer and more defined. I feel like I can FEEL my muscles now. Like, I can feel my biceps when my arms are resting at my sides. I feel my glutes when I sit and stand. I feel my hamstrings when I walk. I feel my traps when I reach for a glass in the cabinet. I FEEL my body in such a different, new, and exciting way! I can't explain how amazing it is. But you want to know the craziest thing about it? I feel more like a woman now than I ever have before. And I know it's because my body confidence is through the roof. When I was larger, I was "comforted" by comments like "Oh you're a size 18? Well the average woman wears a 12-14 so it's not like you're that much bigger" and "I'm so jealous of your big boobs, mine are so small, you get all the attention from guys" or "Be proud of your size, women are supposed to have extra meat on their bones."  But none of that mattered because I HATED my body. And here's the thing: I don't care how large the average woman is in her waist, chest, or ass. There is NOTHING average about me, and I embrace that every day. I also don't think there is a certain way women are "supposed to be"...what about those women who develop a slender body frame without a defined waist.  They don't have curves; does that make them less of a woman? Is a woman who stands 5'7" and weighs 140lb less of a woman than another of the same height weighing 240lb? I love my new body. I love being able to out-lift grown MEN in my gym. I love being toned. I love my curves. I love my slim waist and thick thighs. I love my butt. I love my long, strong legs. I love my arms. I love that my abdominal muscles are showing. I love my little breasts (which USED to be a little on the saggier side after I lost a lot of weight but now they are perkier than I could have ever dreamed because of my developed chest muscles). I love my body and I love being a strong, sexy woman. Period.

On to the meat and (sweet) potatoes!

I love my new gym! I am literally battered and bruised to no end but out-shining everyone in my class is so rewarding to me. I'm a HUGE fan of healthy competition. Working out with others is the biggest motivator for me!

My appetite is growing like wildfire! I am SO hungry during the day now. I'm averaging over 600cal per meal and loving it! I feel so energized and nourished. My skin is GLOWING!!

My first watermelon of the season. Holy crap it was so good! Perfect after-workout recovery food!!

4th of July breakfast. I didn't eat crap this day, why would I? I'm celebrating my freedom to live a happy, healthy life!

Meal planning and prepping for the week included 2lb of turkey tomato sauce packed with veggies. I'm on a collard green kick right now, I put it in EVERYTHING!

My favorite thing to do, help others gain kitchen confidence! Rose was fascinated by my sweet potato lasagne so I showed her how to make it! 

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