Tuesday, June 11, 2013

My appetite is BACK!

Tuesday, June 11 

Meal 1, 10:00am (3 hours after waking, 8 hours of sleep) 

I started the day with 4 cups of hot tea. 

Egg and egg white scramble with Tuscan kale, mushrooms, red onions, and green bell peppers cooked in clarified butter with avocado and homemade pico de gallo on top and oven-cooked bacon on the side. 1/4 cup blueberries.  

Total prep and cook time: 20 minutes

Calories: 560
Protein: 40g
Carbs: 15g
Fat: 34g

Meal 2, 2:30pm (post-workout) 

Coconut water smoothie with frozen banana, ice, chia seeds, coconut butter, and raw 100% cocoa nibs. Uncured salami with jalapeño   

Total prep and cook time: 5 minutes

Calories: 540
Protein: 20g
Carbs: 42g
Fat: 40g

Meal 3, 5:00pm 

Beef jerky, pistachios, sunflower seeds. 

Total prep and cook time: 5 minutes

Calories: 270
Protein: 26g
Carbs: 18g
Fat: 10g

Meal 4, 8:30pm 

Leftover coconut curry with prawns, loads of veggies, and fresh cilantro.   

Total prep and cook time: 15 minutes

Calories: 540
Protein: 55g
Carbs: 18g
Fat: 26g

Calories: 1,940
Protein: 136g (40%)
Carbs: 97g (28%)
Fat: 110g (32%)
Total kitchen time: 45 minutes!

So happy that my appetite is getting back to normal. Hormones are so incredible! I'm fascinated by my body, EVERDAY! At what it's capable of, how it works, how it looks, the way it moves, the various functions...AMAZING! On another note, I used to suffer from pretty bad menstrual cramps and PMS and noticed that when I cleaned up my diet, the cramps were more bearable and the PMS less aggressive in the past year. For two cycles now I decided to do an"experiment." No sugars (except from an occasional piece of fruit) the week before my period. None, not even that chocolate that women crave so much before it comes. Not only did I not experience those cravings, but I didn't feel a single cramp or an imbalance of hormones. No PMS, no NOTHING. It came and went without any disturbances at all. I'm cured!!!! :)

P.S. I'm sure exercise, sleep, and tons of water drinking played their parts too! 

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