Friday, February 22, 2013

The amazing food processor, a STAPLE in my kitchen!

When it comes to "processed foods" my Cuisinart is the only one I trust. I don't buy shredded carrots or diced onions because for one, they are more expensive, and two that's lazy and kinda gross. But it doesn't just stop at shredding and dicing, a food processor does almost EVERYTHING for you at the push of a button!
This is the one I have, with all the different blade attachments.

I use my food processor to slice, dice, shred, grate, emulsify, chop, and mix. I make date paste for baking, shred coconut flesh for smoothies, make my own nut butters, and prep all my vegetables once a week which saves me HOURS! Check it out!

Shredded carrots, chopped spinach, diced red and yellow onions, chopped kale, and sliced bell peppers!

Super easy salsa!

Making pesto is a breeze! 

Now, for the REAL show stopper. Part of eating clean means saying buh-bye to pastas (including those nasty, slimy gluten free kinds...they are still processed!) and rice. But, that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy your favorite rice or pasta dishes. I use my food processor to make squash pasta and cauliflower rice and I NEVER crave or miss the alternative "real" version of either. I'm about to blow your mind!

Left: shredded raw zucchini and yellow squash, pasta
Right: grated raw cauliflower, rice

Two recipes for my two favorite variations of squash pasta plus my pesto recipe can be found here. Amazingness and super easy! But, I want to focus on the cauliflower rice because ever since I've been posting photos of it on my Facebook page I've gotten numerous requests to share how it's done. So, you ready? 


  • First thing you'll need is a grater in the form of a flat handheld one, a box one, or a food processor.

either one of these works but be prepared to make a HUGE mess...get yourself a food processor, it's 100% worth the investment I guarantee it!

  • 1 head of raw cauliflower, this will make a LOT of rice
  • 1 tbs of oil (olive or coconut)
  • The food processor makes this SO easy!
  • sea salt to taste

  1. Chop the cauliflower into pieces small enough to fit through the processor's chute or small enough to fit comfortably in your hand. Grate those pieces up using the rough side (larger holes).  
  2. Add the oil to a pan over medium heat. 
  3. When the oil is hot, add the grated cauliflower to the pan and cook for about 5 minutes stirring frequently. (Cook it just as you would cook fried rice.)
  4. Add salt to taste and serve immediately as an accompaniment or a substitute for any dish that calls for rice.
  5. Store cooked leftovers in an airtight container for up to 5 days and raw leftovers the same way or in the freezer!

Steak and rice...cauliflower style!

Using cauliflower rice in my seafood curry dish.

    Eating clean does not have to be boring, expensive, or time consuming. With the right attitude, your priorities in line, and an adventurous and open heart and mind you will THRIVE eating this way. I know because I do, and everyone who is on board with the movement does too! Join me! :)

    1 comment:

    1. So I love my cuisinart too as well as do my chopping once or twice a week. My question is about onions. There is a lot of stuff going around about pre-cutting onions. I've never had a issue but I do have some what of an iron stomach. Thoughts?
