Tuesday, February 5, 2013

OMG...I'm skipping breakfast!

Next week, I'm trying something that's counterintuitive and contrary to what most people hear is "good" for you....skipping breakfast! It's part of the "periodic/intermittent fasting" I'll be implementing into my diet.

It's easy to step things up in the gym and challenge myself physically but I'm finding it more and more difficult to take things to the next level with my diet! I've been eating clean for almost a full year now and I have learned SO much about food, nutrition, my body, health, the world...seriously. For those of you who don't know what it means to eat "clean"..it's more commonly referred to as the Paleo diet. Based on looking back to our roots and nourishing the body with unprocessed, whole foods. Tons of veggies, lean proteins, healthy fats, and fruits. It's been the most eye-opening experience, there's no way in hell I would EVER go back to eating the way I did before.

By the way, I have been researching this topic for a couple of months now so it's not just something I heard about, thought sounded "cool" and decided to try it. I encourage people to RESEARCH before deciding to make changes to their diet. Just like you would consult a trainer to step it up in the gym, talk to a specialist or nutritionist to get your diet on track. By the way, I'm a certified fitness nutrition specialist who lost 150lb on my own...start here with me! :)

If you want some basic info about fasting and links to GREAT books and sources, check out Martin's Blog and this article on Robb Wolf's website.

Wish me luck! :)