Monday, April 1, 2013

I had a seizure, or two...Part II

A few facts that should be known and understood about seizures

  1. No one is immune to the onset of epilepsy OR having a seizure....NO ONE. 
  2. Seizures are as old as (wo)mankind.
  3. Seizures are not an indication of a mental or learning disability in a person. 
  4. Seizures do not cause nerve or brain damage. An exception would be if a person has a seizure that causes them to lose consciousness and they fall onto a sharp counter corner and injure themselves, for insatnce. Or, if a person has multiple tonic-clonic seizures back to back without recovery in between causing loss of oxygen to the brain (which is extremely rare).

Now the question remains: what caused me to have seizures? Read this if you didn't even know I had a seizure. I eat a clean, whole, balanced diet. I exercise regularly. I have no medical history of any condition, accident or trauma related to head injuries or that has been linked to seizures. I have no relevant family history of epilepsy. I don't use drugs. I rarely drink alcohol and when I do, it's a limited amount. Overall, I'm a very healthy woman.

So, let's back up...what causes seizures in general? Well, many things can cause seizures but they are also one of the biggest mysteries in the field of medicine. Some people who have or have had seizures may never know why. A few factors that have been identified, studied, and verified as having the potential to cause seizures and several conditions that are associated with epilepsy and seizures are as follows:
  • masses, tumors, infections, bleeding, damage (caused by trauma or fever) or scar tissue in the brain
  • disorders of the heart
  • epilepsy
  • alcohol or drug use (both prescription and recreational)
  • abnormal brain development
  • poor diet (lack of certain vitamins like B6, hypoglycemia)
  • gastrointestinal disorders (like celiac disease)
  • abnormal blood levels of sodium, magnesium, or calcium
  • certain smells, sights, or sounds
  • flashing or bright lights
  • pre-existing medical conditions (influenza, measles, multiple sclerosis) 
  • essential oils made from eucalyptus, fennel, hyssop, pennyroyal, rosemary, sage, savin, tansy, thuja, turpentine, and wormwood
  • depression, stress, or anxiety 
  • unknown 

Not one or all of these listed factors or conditions will cause seizures in all people. For instance, many people have celiac disease and will never have a seizure. It's truly a person by person case. After the testing I have had so far, I can eliminate the following causes listed below that have a strikethrough as culprits to either of my seizures with nearly 100% certainty and the remaining possible culprits I have left highlighted.

  • masses, tumors, infections, bleeding, damage (caused by trauma or fever) or scar tissue in the brain
  • disorders of the heart
  • epilepsy
  • alcohol or drug use (both prescription and recreational)
  • abnormal brain development
  • poor diet (lack of certain vitamins like B6, hypoglycemia)
  • gastrointestinal disorders (celiac disease)
  • abnormal blood levels of sodium, magnesium, or calcium
  • certain smells, sights, or sounds
  • flashing or bright lights
  • pre-existing medical conditions (influenza, measles, multiple sclerosis) 
  • essential oils made from eucalyptus, fennel, hyssop, pennyroyal, rosemary, sage, savin, tansy, thuja, turpentine, and wormwood
  • depression, stress, or anxiety 
  • unknown

Now, it has been exactly one month since my first seizure. The 2nd (and last one) happened 3 days later. I've been seizure free ever since. I have an appointment on April 4 to do more testing that may eliminate more of those common causes leaving me with what I believe is the real culprit: STRESS. I have been dealing with pent up stress and anxiety for a few years now. I never felt like I had the time or resources to deal with it. Sounds pathetic now that I'm writing it. I practice healthy living in so many other ways and I'm very passionate about it but not dealing with stress has been my greatest downfall. I would constantly live in the future and rarely in the present. The only time I felt completely at ease was when I was hiking, running, or enjoying quality time with my partner. But the more stress I had, the less I did those things. Stress had a negative impact on all aspects of my life but especially on my relationship with my partner of 4 years. I rarely made time for her, stopped showing her love and affection as much as I used to, and often took out my frustrations on her. It was horrible. I was happy and miserable all at the same time. Most of my stress was due to feelings of under-appreciation and disrespect from someone whom I had a lot of admiration for and was an important person in my life. I was hurt to my core. I had to let go. The seizure pretty much did all the work for me, shook the hell out of me and said "WAKE THE F*CK UP! You do NOT deserve this!" I already knew this but now I had no choice but to listen.

Another cause of my stress came from within my family. I'm sure many people can relate to that but I won't go into detail about it because it's a private matter. Not a huge issue, but big enough to cause stress. Then of course there are smaller day to day stresses like commuting, finances, etc. All of these however I can manage, safely and healthily.

So what has changed between March 1 and April 1? A lot! Are you ready for this?

  1. I'm happier than I've ever been before.
  2. I meditated for the first time...and completed a 21-day meditation challenge.
  3. I've been dedicating ample time to take care of me.
  4. I'm unemployed.
  5. I've put almost 200 miles on my bike since my doctor has not cleared me to drive. 
  6. I'm so much more in tune with my spirit and body. More than I even thought possible.
  7. I'm 10lb lighter, physically (not by choice or effort) and about a 1,000lb lighter, mentally. 
  8. My relationship with my partner has been brought to a very powerful level. Not just because she was there for both seizures, and saved my life, but because I don't make excuses anymore for not showing her how much she means to me.
  9. I have a completely new outlook on life.
  10. I sleep about 10 hours a a rock! 
The most important thing I have learned from this experience is that stress can have a huge, negative impact on your life. Granted I tell this to clients, acquaintances, and friends all the time because I have learned of its truth but now I have lived it. Stress kills. That is not an exaggeration. If you allow it to swallow you whole it will destroy your life. Some of us manage stress better than others. I am working on being one of those people. I am adding tools to my belt: meditation, therapy in many forms, being present, making time to check in with myself, etc. Now, I can't use the excuses I was using before. I needed to make changes in my life but anxiety and fear prevented me from making them. I can eat clean and exercise all I want to but addressing the internal issues that kept me locked in fear and allowed anxiety and stress to control my life is what is leading me towards a balanced life and perfect health. I can achieve both because I am fully aware, educating myself, and no longer afraid. 

References for information cited regarding seizures and epilepsy:

Reuber, M., C. E. Elger, and S. C. Schachter. Epilepsy explained: A book for people who want to   know more. 1. Oxford University Press, 2009. Print.

Bradley, W. G. Treating the brain, what the best doctors know. 1. 1. new york, washington Dc: Dana Pr, 2010. Print.


  1. Wow, Chae, you continually amaze me. Not once have I seen you on your pity pot, which is where I would surely be. The only experience I have with seizures is friends who had epilepsy, but I can definitely attest to the power of stress. I was hospitalized with a suspicious illness a couple of years ago, and it was directly tied to stress! I hope this is all it is, and you will be seizure free for life! Love you for all you are.

  2. Dear Chae- it takes a LOT of faith, maturity and introspection to make such major changes in your life! I commend you for taking the leap to rid yourself of situations that weren't healthy.

    I have been in remission from a non-cancerous brain tumor for over 2 years now. I did everything that was necessary to improve, better diet, etc. but what I've learned is that it takes sustained effort to remain healthy. I am STILL learning how to decrease stress and yes, it does kill and cause disease. I too meditate and it helps, I also talk to my friends who know me well to get the right prospective and to hold me accountable and support me in addition to seeking out the help of a professional sometimes if things seem overwhelming. Many see seeking help with a therapist as being weak but nothing can be further from the truth.

    Yes, family, finances, etc. are triggers and I also find having some sort of spiritual practice significantly helps. As my former trainer, I can say that your helping me get weight off and continually improving my diet has also been a major reason why I manage to stay healthy...don't get me wrong- there will always be problems and issues, but I do my best to diminish it. Cheers to your new found realizations and freedom. I will always be a fan and friend.

